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Consumption Detox | Streamline

the EDIT | define the role of social media

The first step in streamlining consumption is to define what we want the role of social media to be in our life. This role or purpose will change over time, but let's focus on where we are now and how we want to leverage the platform to optimize what we get out of it.

How we choose to define the role will serve as a framework for our social media streamline. Ask things like:

  • What do I want to feel when I'm scrolling?

  • What type of content doesn't serve me anymore?

  • What is unique about my feed that I may not get elsewhere?

the STREAMLINE | outs & ins

Each one of these pass the 3 streamlining criteria: efficiency, sustainability and progression.

the ESSENTIALS | streamline game changers

Here are some tools within the social media platforms that can help speed up the streamline:

Instagram Following > Least Interacted With

This tool shows you accounts that you (yep, you probably guessed it) interact with the LEAST on the platform. This is a great place to start your "unfollow" journey because according to the platform... these are the accounts you are not engaged with as much as others.

Instagram Following > Add to Favorites

"Favoriting" an account automatically shoots their content to the top of your feed and story timeline. This is a great tool for your top 5 - 10 accounts that you look forward to seeing every day.

Instagram Following > Suggested For You

When you are on an account's page you love, there is an icon that allows you to view suggested accounts similar to that particular follow. For example, if I was following a style page that specialized in capsule wardrobes, this tool enables me to find accounts that are in a similar niche.


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